The Best Time to Schedule a Microblading Appointment

Good microblading has proven to be an eyebrow-beauty-powerhouse. So if gorgeous brows are just a microblading appointment away, then book an appointment ASAP, right?


Well... not necessarily, especially if the goal is to have those brows looking amazing for a special occasion. Consider these three simple words before scheduling: timing is everything.

the Microblading process & Scheduling

Remember that microblading is a procedure where a sharp instrument is used to make small precise cuts in the skin to deposit pigment, and at some point during the healing process, those brows are probably going to have some scabbing. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for some to disregard the healing process and specifically the time it takes to heal.

Depending on what a client has in the weeks following the appointment needs to be considered as it can factor into whether or not it is the right time to have the procedure done. A little foresight and planning will ensure those brows are fully healed and looking prime for whatever the occasion.

Show-off those microbladed Brows

Listed below are the five most common events that clients tell me are the reasons they decided to have microblading done.

  1. Wedding Day / Bridals / Engagement Photos

  2. Family Reunion / Class Reunion

  3. Family Pictures

  4. Vacation

  5. Competition (fitness, marathon, dance, etc.)


Wanting amazing brows for any one of them is understandable, but make sure to consider this Scheduling Rule of Thumb: schedule the appointment no less than 3 months before the special occasion, just to be safe.

By doing so, it allows enough time to complete the entire microblading process, which includes: the initial appointment followed by at least 3 weeks of healing, then the touch-up appointment with 3 more weeks of healing.

Why Timing is everything with microblading

There are two helpful questions that should be in the mind of anyone scheduling a microblading appointment:

Can I adhere to the 14-day aftercare instructions following the appointment?

Am I expecting my brows to look healed for a specific occasion, or by a certain date?

These two questions are important because, if for example, a client is going on vacation soon after their appointment, adhering to the aftercare instructions might not be possible. Also, if debuting microbladed brows at a special event is the plan, and they haven’t fully healed, it’s possible the debut will showcase some brows that look like they are still in the healing phase.


It really comes down to this. Life is full of moments that depend on the right timing, and not to be overdramatic, so it is with microblading. A little planning can go a long way in making sure microbladed brows are looking gorgeous and ready for whatever comes their way.

Now get a plan worked out and then go schedule an appointment!